Service Time
Sunday 9:30 AM

Bible Classes start at 9:30 with coffee and fellowship before that. Our Worship Service begins at 10:30.

6941 N Mt Morris Rd, Leaf River, IL, 61047

We are on Mount Morris Blacktop, just north of Townline Rd. 


Have kids? No worries, we've got you covered. We provide childcare from newborn to 4th grade for all of our services. To read more about our awesome children's ministry, click the button below!

More Info


Have questions? We have the answers!

Actually, we have just the thing to help wake you up. We know it is early so we have invested in our coffee to give you a great experience. Plan on coming a few minutes early and come on up to our coffee bar where you will be served a high-quality brew. From there, you can put in creamers, syrups, or anything else that you need to make your coffee unique for you. 

At Leaf River Baptist Church, your kids are incredibly important! We have trained volunteers that have dedicated their time to studying and preparing a class that is dedicated to serving your kids. 

At Leaf River Baptist Church, we have people from all walks of life. Everyone from professional to blue collar, farmers to factory workers, call LRBC home. As a church that seeks to reach the lost in the community around us, we welcome those who have fought or are fighting addictions, those on probation, or those who have had to register as sex offenders. We know that with the help of our Grow Safety Team we are able to keep everyone safe and growing in their relationship with the Lord. 

A typical service will include worship (both hymns and modern music), an opportunity to pray together, an opportunity to give together, and finally an opportunity to hear from our pastor as he opens the Scriptures and applies them to our lives in a practical way.

When you have decided to take that next step into your faith journey, we have multiple opportunities for you. There are groups that meet on Sunday morning, as well as throughout the week. Email the office to get connected to the various group leaders.

We have such a great way to get started serving at Leaf River Baptist Church. Through the GROW ministry, you can step into the first aspect of serving within the life of LRBC. From there you can expand into other areas of ministry as well. Email the office to get connected to Eyan, our GROW ministry coordinator. 

The best way to get involved with serving the community is to stay connected to Leaf River Baptist Church. There are times throughout the year that we will be able to serve the community like the Leaf River Lighted Christmas Parade or Leaf River Daze. As these times come up, these events are announced and discussed openly to allow everyone the opportunity to participate.