Favorite food: meat loaf/ lima beans
Favorite book/movie: Bible/ the north and the south
Favorite activity: camping/ shooting
Hello, my name is Daniel H Gibble. I was born on July 15, 1948. I accepted the Lord when I was 5 years old and have done my best to serve him ever since. I lived in both Akron, Ohio, and York, Pennsylvania while growing up. I graduated from high school in 1966. I moved to Mount Morris and met Kathy. We were married on June 21, 1969. We moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania where I managed a drive-in restaurant call Gino’s for 11 years. We then moved back to Mount Morris to be closer to Kathy’s parents. We had also had three children by that time, Jeannette, James, and Jay. After moving back to Illinois, I worked at Logli’s for 26 years. I was downsized so I decided to make a dream of mine come true and was able to get my associate’s degree in accounting from Highland Community College. I now work at the Mobil gas station in Mount Morris part-time/full-time. We started to go to Leaf River Baptist Church 32 years ago. Our daughter was going to the youth group, and we wanted to make sure it was a good church so we went to the service to listen to the pastor who at the time was Randy Newton, and we’ve been going ever since. I have held the position of Deacon/Elder for 30 years. I would like to add that some of my life experiences involved boy scouts, high school musicals, camping (which became a family favorite), and sports cars. I was finally able to own a 1984 Corvette, which was also another dream. I enjoy very much reading, and my favorite book to read is the Bible. I like to study it. I like to go to our small group, which is run by Dan Drozd. In this picture, you will see myself my wife Kathy, our children Jeanette, James, and Jay, and two of our eight grandchildren, Faith and Kaleb. It’s been a joy to get to know our new pastor Billy Hardy and his family. I find it to be an exciting new adventure. Come join us!
Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. LRBC is dedicated to helping everyday people grow in Christ by increasing their joy.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10AM-3PM